I'm trying so hard to get into the holiday spirit. The tragic events in Newtown have really made me reflect on life. I know once my girls wake up things are going to move quickly and I wanted to take these few quiet moments I have to think about how lucky I am and how grateful I am for all that I have. I know like a lot of people this tragedy tore me apart inside and I am changed forever. As a mother, teacher and just a person in general life is different. I've decided I'm joining in on the 26 acts of kindness a movement started by Ann Curry. I can't think of a better way to honor the beautiful lives that were lost than by spreading kindness.
![26 Acts of Kindness](https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/s160x160/227112_128881473937753_832638408_a.jpg)
Sending hugs and prayers your way. Squeeze those beautiful girls extra hard and see each gift in life from God and share with others. Hugs :O)
What a great idea!! I think it is a great way to honor!
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