Living in The Moment
Brittany has the best stories and I love hearing the one's about school. I can totally relate to the first year of teaching. It is wonderfully exhausting but well worth the effort. I appreciate all her comments and getting to know her through her blog.
I also want to send these awards right back to Abby and Kristin.
Kristin is the best friend I could ever ask for. I love her to pieces!
I am so happy to be getting know Abby and write now she is having a give away. Please check it out she makes such beautiful things and you would be lucky to win one.
Lastly I want to pass along these awards on to Lori from I'm No Supermom. I not even sure how I came across her blog but I noticed her prayer requests and something made me send her an email sharing my story with a total stranger and asking her to say some prayers for my father in law who is battling cancer. I'm so glad that I did.
I know that I'm suppossed to pass these to more bloggers but I really want to stick with the spirit of these awards. I'm so glad I found these blogging friends and I want them to know how much I appreciate them. As a said I am still getting to know other bloggers out there and I'm sure there are so many more unexpected friendships that I will find but for now check these ladies out they have truely made my days brighter.