Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sneaking Out

We have been stuck inside for several days due to this stomach bug that will not leave my house. Gillian did only get sick once and I thought Alyssa was done but Monday and Tuesday it was back. Gillian and I did get to sneak out over the weekend in that beautiful 60 degree weather while Alyssa napped for a quick bike ride and some bubble and chalk fun. Looking at this picture with the snow in the background which is now gone makes me laugh. It looks like it will be another gorgeous weekend and I can't wait. I'm so glad that my husband will be home this weekend so we can have some good times all together.


Brittany Ann said...

Oh! I hope things clear up for your family tummies soon! You deserve more fun moments like this one:)

Thanks for me get-well wishes! I really appreciate it!

Kristin said...

Oh, Kath! Look at how big Gillian looks in this picture! OMG, I can't wait to see you guys! I hope you have a super weekend, Kath.

Gina said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your girls are absolutely adorable. Hope you all stay well!

Anonymous said...

I tried to comment on the award blog post, but it wouldn't let me! So I wanted to be sure taht I stopped by and said THANK YOU for your generosity, and for thinking of me when you gave out this award!!! :) I'm glad you got to enter the contest, too! It's so exciting, I just can't wait to see who wins!!!!

Michelle said...

Glad you got to enjoy the weather a little. It's so hard when the family is sick. Hope everyone feels better soon. Take care.

TUTU Monkey said...

I hope everyone is over their bugs....we have been sick too but I think we are finished!!

My little monkey hase that SAME bike.....arn't they cute getting their coordination and confidence !!

Have a wonderful weekend!